Score Store
Fellow ODE Grinder For Rent
50.00 AED
50.00 AED
يتوفر لدى سكور خدمة تأجير مكائن الاسبريسو و مطاحن القهوة و طاولات المناسبات للحجز والإستفسار الرجاء التواصل على
Email: info@scorestore.ae
Shop contact: +97143790400
Fellow ODE Grinder is available for rent upon request, with a minimum requirement of 4 hours and a price of only 50/AED per hour. . .
We are providing several rentals services such us coffee machines and coffee grinders and event catering services contact us to know more. . .
Email: info@scorestore.ae
Shop contact ( tel:+97143790400 )